Thursday 13 June 2013

Too rainy and too much time to think.

So the sky currently looks like this:

Gloomy and sad - much like me.

I don't actually know what to say because I've been over thinking like the lemon I am. My fatigue has seemingly aroused a state of delirium and I'm sat in a big lonely house on my own. 

So, I think it's only fair to introduce my stick insects...
^ Daisy and Jordan
^ Mrs Myrtle Wilson

 I love 'The Great Gatsby' and after reading the (amazing) book three times, I decided to go and watch the film. Luhrmann didn't let me down and neither did Leo DiCaprio. My three stick insects are all females and naming them was easy -- after 'The Great Gatsby'! Myrtle got her name after a near death experience - so it was perfect for her!

At the moment they've all shed once and are growing fast, these pictures were taken just before they shed! They're enjoying rose leaves at the moment too.

And whilst we're on this subject... I thought I'd share this happy snap of this spider crawling down the stairs of my Auntie's house. Ooh -- and I'll have to introduce Mrs Crawley - my Auntie's tarantula, at some point. (who's also gorgeous).

Hello spidey stranger.

Some music from Gatsby...

Enjoy, bye bye.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

A few words from Fliss..

I have a new camera - which means endless snaps of Flisslesticks and Zozzles. Zoz loves the attention but Fliss has had some well deserved snaps too. The gorgeous kitty that she is.

Fliss, like me, is very upset about the Julia Gillard controversy at the moment but something else has upset us both. RUSSIA, YOU'VE UPSET US! So Russia have decided to pass a law, banning 'Gay Propaganda' 

'Russia's lower house of parliament, the Duma, has passed a law imposing heavy fines for providing information about homosexuality to people under 18.' - BBC News

Me and my best friend, as well as many other people, are horrified and in utter shock. Congratulations to the Russian Government, you've proven yourself even worse of a country.

Julia Gillard and the 'Big Red Box'.

I woke up this morning and read the news:
'Julia Gillard's 'small breasts' served up on Liberal party dinner menu'

I was furious. How dare a person, man or woman, degrade somebody in this way. 

So this man, Mal Brough organises a Lib Dem fundraiser, how very charitable of you! And somehow this is a simple mistake, ignorance perhaps? An accident? No, a 'big red' mistake. 

From The Guardian -  Regarding Mal Brough's silence:

'His silences comes as former prime minister Kevin Rudd called on Brough to donate the money raised to an animal charity. “It’s snide, dirty and, I think, a sexist trick,” he said.' -- 'Opposition leader Tony Abbott said the menu was “tacky and scatological” but confirmed Brough’s candidacy was safe in a press conference on the Gold Coast after he spent the night in Queensland. “I condemn it,” he said. “I think we should all be bigger and better than that.”'

I think it is absolutely disgusting what has happened, evidently not poor judgement but another blatant  tactic from the lib dems - and probably Tony Abbott himself. 

I think certain members of the Australian parliament need to revisit a certain speech..


What I have been reading...

Virginia Woolf is one of my favourite female literature icons and 'A Room of One's Own' is an extended essay; regarded as a feminist text.

I'm a little chunk into this and my tiny brain is having to read each page twice, just so I don't miss anything.

I am extremely happy about exams finishing because I can read again and (finally) finish this, read 'Orlando' and 'The Female Eunuch' - both which are sat on my bookshelf looking sad and unread.

But I would also like some more suggestions -- so if you have any brilliant books you can share with me - please do.

And I would also love some more blogs to follow!!


Exams are over! (And Game of Thrones happened)

So, this was my face after 'The Rains of Castamere'. I cried for a little while. I hate Joffrey! I hate the Lannisters, apart from Tyrion. I am somehow liking The Hound and how he is protecting Arya, for now.

SO ANYWAY - exams are over for another year! That's why I haven't been blogging.. but nobody really follows my blog anyway...

I don't even know what to write! About books? My cats? Possible. LET ME KNOW!